Our Sponsors

Leash of Hope is grateful beyond words
for our sponsors and volunteers.

We can’t do it without you

Leash of Hope is grateful beyond words for our sponsors and volunteers. Our organization is entirely community-driven amd we are thankful to the many local businesses that support us. Supporting businesses can easily be spotted with the ‘Accessible, Friends of Leash of Hope’ sticker in the window.


Anonymous Donor displays dog with angel wings

Our Valued Donors

Bob & Sharon Smith
Val Malesku
Darlene Mahyr-Richardson
Justin Ruscheinski
Louise O’Haran

Dafina Curtis
Fruin Pow
Winston Fund
John Norton
Anonymous Sponsor of Dom’s Surgery

Dominic & Sheenah Main
Lous & Bram
Milan Dmitrovic
Susan Summers

Special thanks to our Volunteers

Bee Patel & Ricky Weston
Bernhard Koppe
Bob & Sharon Smith
Chalmers-Owega Family
Cindy Lake
Coley McIntosh & Family

Danielle Main
Deena Tokaryk
Erin Muxlow
Geoff & Beverley Richards
Jessica Tuomela
Kaitlyn Jenks
Kevin Priebe
Kym Boucher

Leann Jenks
Lily Ditchburn
Lisa Boyce
Louisa Main
Mitchell Stromsten
Patti Dennison
Rachelle Briscoe
Warrior Woman in the Big  Black Truck

Sarah Enright
Shantal Bateham
Sheenah Main
Star Czako
Tanya Rowland
Tessa Schmidt
Tom Ashman